Sunday, October 16, 2005

Someone ordinary…

I couldn’t help but jumping up to say hi when I saw him walking through the door that day. Seeing him was so pleasant to myself as if I’ve got the best news.
Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t anyone special. He was just an ordinary guy, as ordinary as all of us. Someone who can be walking in the street and you pass him without even noticing him.
He came to work with us for training for six weeks. At the beginning, he looked to me like anyone, ordinary looks, ordinary outfit, ordinary intelligence, ordinary speech…just ordinary.
Then I started to get to know him and I realized that behind that ordinary appearance, there is a great personality and an awesome character, someone who is nice to talk to and work with, someone who actually listens even though you think he doesn’t, someone who understands, someone who is responsible and intellectual, someone who is deep, someone who has principles and integrity, someone who appreciates things and others, someone who cares, someone who feels and acts as if it does really matter, someone with a smile even at hard times, someone with a good attitude even at bad situations, someone who is willing to help, not for anything in return, someone who never complains, someone who is really really living in peace!!!
So I decided to ask him. What was his big secret? How can he be that way he was? He simply gave a short laugh and said that he owed it all to a little practice that he got used to do. Every night before he goes to bed he asks God to carry everything from him because his back is weak. Then he added, “And it actually does work because I wake up in the morning as if nothing happened the day before.”
So although I’ve known him for a short time and he is not there any more, the memory of him brings a smile to my face and a wish that it would be great if I would just know more people like him.