The middle wing...
Right……or left
Black……or white
Positive…..or negative
Friend……or enemy
Dark….or light
Yes…or no
Why does it always have to be one or the other?
Why does it always have to be that if it is not like this then it is like that?
Why if the person standing in front of me is not with me then he is against me?
Why can’t we look around and see how the world is like?
That in addition to right and left, there is always a middle.
The world is not black and white but an infinite number of colors.
For a positive and a negative to live together in an atom, there is also a neutral particle.
We have friends, enemies and people who are neither.
The sun does not rise up all of a sudden and night comes in slowly.
And there are lots of times when the answer to a question in may be.
May be when we realize all this, we can find peace.
May be then everyone holding a bomb would think twice before throwing it.
Or someone who insults a friend because of an argument would reconsider.
May be then we can see someone who is different and don’t think of him as an alien from Mars.
Can this really happen one day?!
Or are we only taking the bird with its right and left wings as a model, believing that there is no such thing as the middle wing!!!