Sunday, July 17, 2005

Spinning Mind

Spinning mind, spinning every moment very fast,
Never stopping or even slowing down,

Exhausting me from following you around,
Why don’t you stop and rest for a while in peace?
Don’t you know that I can’t keep up going

With even one tenth of your speed?!

Don’t you know that I can’t deal with your endless desire

To always achieve the best one’s ever got?!

Nor can I stand your smartness that drives people away?!

Why don’t you forget about doing everything or about being perfect,

And just live your life and enjoy what you got to the fullest,

Instead of wasting my life being breathless running around all the time?

Exhausted self, exhausted from following me around all the way,

Sorry to say, but to me that is the only way I know,

To keep you well placed as desired by your dreams and thoughts.

I know I keep you spinning around behind me.

But you know my friend, you are on your own,

With no one there for you to share his mind and thoughts,

So I have to keep going with double the speed,

To ensure you comfort and that lovely peace,

And if you insist, to your desire, I can slow down.

But I bet you, you won't be as satisfied,

When all your dreams you won’t fulfill.

For you see my dear, dreams sound so easy,

However, the whole trick is how to think right to achieve them,

And that is what I have been spinning so hard to do.

But don’t you worry, a day will come when you settle down,

Or have another mind with whom your thoughts you share,

Then I promise, for a while, I will try to slow down,

And let you really enjoy a less exhausting life and the peace around.


At July 22, 2005 8:55 AM, Blogger Majd Batarseh said...

wowww.. that is very deep..
wonderful writing..
far away from home .. i know how it feels!!!
may God Bless :)


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